Documents can be retrieved

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Documents can be retrieved

Post by aburaihan8747 »

Indexing options – It’s one thing to scan documents, but you need to be able to index so they can be retrieved. This indexing should give you options to automate indexing like bar code recognition. Time saved here can be used to improve the quality and speed of the staff’s work on repairs, maintenance and construction!

– Easy retrieval of related documents – with Sweden Phone Number a click or a hot key so that staff can move fluidly from data, to map, to document, making them more efficient and putting the complete picture in front of them as they work, manage, or approve.


Secure storage that doesn’t break – You no longer have to worry that links to related documents will break if you need to change storage locations.

– Revisions and versions – Plans for projects change as they are reviewed by staff. You can track versions, create and audit trail of changes, preserve comments and control access to change documents. These tools preserve the integrity of the project plan.
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